Traditions29 September 2015

Discover Sandu Florea’s music

For the traditional Banat music, Sandu Florea is a famous trumpet player...

Sandu Florea

Sandu Florea

For the traditional Banat music, Sandu Florea is someone that made history in the regional music. For understanding who Sandu Florea is and what his music represents, one must take a look at Caras-Severin County, that being the mountain Banat area of which there still are so many to be said.

Armenis Commune is located on the European Bucharest - Timisoara road, 25 kilometers away of Caransebes city. In a place where tradition meets modernity, Sandu Florea’s music is a form of identity in mountain Banat.

He was born in 1962 and played traditional Banat songs on his trumpet. Sandu Florea began his music career when he was fourteen years old and during the time he served in the army, he was included in the Army Musical Ensemble. He then returned to Caransebes where, in 1953 took an examination for becoming trumpet player within the Orchestra of Cultural Center. Shortly after that, Sandu Florea became one of the best Banat trumpet players and especially a great doina (traditional Romanian song) player, being appreciated as a trumpet master.

Beyond his music activity, Sandu Florea collected folklore songs from the area where he was born and thus enriched the Banat music repertoire. One of the most known songs people remember him about is the doina entiled Frică mi-i că mor ca mâine. Among the songs that made Sandu Florea remain in the memory of Banbat music as a famous singer are Cobori, mândră, la vale, Brâul and Doi-ul lui Florea, the last two being popular dance songs specific to mountain Banat area.

Although Sandu Florea is deemed a great trumpet player of Banat music, he hasn’t recorded many songs. In exchange, the master conveyed his passion for music to his four children; each of them became extraordinary players of musical instruments. At the same time, Sandu Florea taught other trumpet players as well, such as Constantin Gherghina and Stefan Moaca.

Remembered by Banat inhabitants as the best trumpet players of Banat Region, Sandu Florea’s music is now found in the personal archives of those to whose weddings and baptisms he performed. His music is carried on by his descendents that inherited his passion and talent, and for Banat Region’s musical patrimony, Nana Florea, as he was nicknamed, is an example of tradition conveyed and preserved in the present.


Pr. Cristan-Matei Vulpeș, Armeniș, istorie și spiritualitate, Lugoj, Editura Nagard 2012, p. 231-235.






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