Places of interest04 November 2016

Wild Carpathia – reaching the fourth episode

The first three episodes have had a huge impact, amassing over 3 million views and the tourism in the areas presented in them has increased by 4 times. Charlie Ottley believes that Romania could make much more profit from tourism if the forests were protected

Charlie Ottley

Charlie Ottley

It is very seldom these days that a show focuses on the positive aspects of Romania. But it is clear that someone who focuses only on the bad parts of a country fails to see the big picture. Of course Romania has problems, but it has many things to offer as well, things that are often overlooked or written off as not worthy enough. It’s true that we are miles behind the rest of the European countries, but maybe lagging behind can also be a good thing. The past, with its traditions and values can be a source of wealth too.

Luckily, there is still a handful of people, who, without ulterior motives, make it their mission to show some of the good sides of Romania. When we see someone like Travel Channel presenter Charlie Ottley speak highly about Romania and go out of his way to promote its natural beauties, we cannot help but wonder: WHY? Why is a British man – someone who stands to gain nothing from this – doing this for our country? And the reason he gives is that he wants to leave the world in a better shape than he found it.

Of course, one amendment is necessary here. It is not so much Romania that he tries to shed light on, but the Carpathian Mountains, or what he calls “Wild Carpathia”. The conservation of this area of rare and vibrant natural beauty is what his efforts are directed at. But in the process, he also says things like “Romania is a superb country with fantastic people, you have so much to offer”, at which we can only rejoice.

But he is neither naïve nor blind to Romania’s problems. He reiterates time and time again with emphasis that one of the threats to this haven is imprudent disforesting. The Carpathian Mountains are so rich in fauna and flora, but the the massive tree cutting might leave the relief completely bare.

And this is precisely what he means to focus on in the fourth episode of the Wild Carpathia series. He says that the Carpathians guard the last great European forest, which will be destroyed if the disforesting continues as it has. This is why he has addressed a personal request to Romanians to contribute money for the filming of this episode so that he will have the freedom to focus on the problems and possible remedies and not so much on the promotion, as he has had to on episode 2 and 3, which were financed by the Romanian Government.



Florea, Daniel Alexandru, “Charlie Ottley, realizatorul ‘Wild Carpathia’: România e bogată din punct de vedere al moștenirii naturale și culturale”, Agerpress, September 28th 2015, Available at:, Accessed: 10.12.2015.

Florescu, Brad, “Wild Carpathia 4. Din dragoste pentru natură, români și România. Un interviu cu Charlie Ottley.”, Tedoo, September 29th 2015, Available at:, Accessed: 10.12.2015.

Pascu, Răzvan, “Interviu despre Romania cu Charlie Ottley – realizatorul filmului Wild Carpathia”, Răzvan Pascu, June 3rd 2014, Available at:, Accessed: 10.12.2015.    

Andra Mihaela Cimpean




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