Events06 March 2015

The rise of the Romanian Shepherd Dog

After years of selection and hard work of the dog experts, Romania will finally have the honor of having his own dog breeds recognized at international level.

Romanian Mioritic Shepherd

Romanian Mioritic Shepherd

The Romanian Shepherd Dog is a spectacular, large breed and long hair dog, who has played for centuries with great courage his role as flocks guard. It has a dignified behavior, calm and balanced, wary of strangers, but at the same time very sociable with kids and those who love him.

From the category of endemic dog breeds that accompanied for centuries the people of these lands belong to it: the Romanian Mioritic Sheperd, Romanian Carpathian Sheperd, the Romanian Shepherd of Bucovina and the Romanian Raven Shepherd.

From the four Romanian shepherd dog breeds, the International Guide Dog Federation (F.C.I.) has allowed for a temporary recognition to only three races, namely, only those breeds that have presented the internationally recognized standards. It remains only to recognized the national breed of Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog.

The procedure of recognition of a breed by the International Guide Dog Federation is very clear and is divided into two stages. The first stage involves the provisional recognition that lasts at least 10 years, time that is required to present eight different blood lines which should not have even one common parent for three generations, and there have to be at least 1000 units recorded in the Charter of Romanian Origin (the herd of purebred dogs of A.Ch. R.).

This year, the international competition to be held in Milan as part of the International Dog Show in Milan in 2015, will give the final decision for the two Romanian races who will present the nominations, the Carpathian and the Mioritic. Instead the Romanian Shepherd of Bucovina, being provisionally recognized only in 2009, will have to wait another five years, while the Romanian Raven Shepherd will present the candidature for the final recognition between 5-7 years.

The final approval, in the vision of Petru Muntean, the Director of the Romanian Breeds Validation Commission, gives the opportunity to access to the international title CACIB (Certificate of aptitude for the International Championship of Beauty) and take greater interest from farmers around the world for these races, a better knowledge of the natural qualities and the abilities of these races.

After years of selection and hard work of dog experts, Romania will finally have the honor of having their own dog breeds recognized at international level.  





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