Places of interest23 October 2024

The Romanian National Art Museum hosted by the Royal Palace of Bucharest

Built in 1937 under the reign of King Carol II, the Romanian National Art Museum is a marvellous monumental building that symbolizes the centre of the monarchical power in Romania

The Romanian National Art Museum, Bucharest

The Romanian National Art Museum, Bucharest

After 1990, the building of the former Royal Palace was entirely attributed to the National Art Museum of Romania. The museum hosts the European Art Gallery, the Modern Romanian Art Gallery, the Old Romanian Art Gallery, the Oriental Art Collection, andthe Royal Palace's Historical Spaces. The museum also hosts Temporary Exhibitions and manages three other Satellite Museums (located in other heritage buildings): the Museum of Art Collections, the K.H. Zambaccian Museum and the Theodor Palladi Museum.

The Old Romanian Art Gallery contains over 9,500 pieces, divided into categories: embroidery and fabrics, icons, manuscripts, silverware, mural painting, wood carving, and polychromatic wood. An important part of the stone sculptural patrimony of the Old Romanian Art Gallery is exhibited at the Museum of Art Collections.

The Modern Romanian Art Gallery contains over 8,794 paintings and 2,118 sculptures. The gallery hosts important Romanian artists such as: Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu, Ioan Andreescu, Nicolae Tonitza, Gheorghe Petraşcu, Theodor Pallady, Lucian Grigorescu, Iosif Iser, Camil Ressu, Francisc Şirato, Alexandru Ciucurencu, Dimitrie Gheaţă etc.

Constantin Brâncuşi is present with the work ‘'Rugăciunea''' - a bronze sculpture made in 1907. The European Art Gallery has a heritage of 2,742 works. Important European schools are represented such as the Italian school (Domenico Veneziano, Jacopo Bassano, Bronzino, Tintoretto, Luca Giordano), Dutch (Rembrandt, Davidsz de Heem), Flemish (Rubens, Pieter van Mol, David Teniers the Young) , German (Lucas Cranach the Elder, Hans von Aachen), French (Nicolas de Largilliere, Antoine Dubois, Claude Monet, Paul Signac, Alfred Sisley and sculptures by Auguste Rodin, Camille Claudel and Antoine Bourdelle) or the Spanish school (El Greco, Francisco Zurbaran, Alonso Cano).

The Oriental Art collection is divided into two sections: one Islamic and the other, Chinese and Japanese. The Patrimony of the Oriental Art Section comprises over 3,100 works.


Elena Radu




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