Places of interest20 October 2024

The mounds of Șona: Uncover the mysteries of a land shrouded in legends and fascination

Explore one of Romania’s most enigmatic attractions, where nature and history come together to uncover the secrets of a magical place, or do they?

The mounds of Șona, Brasov County

The mounds of Șona, Brasov County

The mounds of Șona represent one of the most fascinating and mysterious places in Romania. Located in Brașov county, these earth formations have raised the interest of researchers, historians and tourists alike. Today, people are searching more and more information about them in order to discover their origins, signification and, why not, mysteries. For their origin is shrouded in mystery.

Nobody knows for sure whether the mounds were created by men or whether they have naturally occurred. There are very few archeological facts known about these conic formations, thus giving rise to much speculation as to their origin and purpose. This fact, aside from stirring the scientific interest of researchers and historians, has also encouraged the imagination of the local people, thus giving rise to many legends surrounding the mounds.

Some legends say the mounds were created by giants. Another one claims that there are magnificent treasures buried under them. This legend has lured many treasure hunters over time, but there are no records of people ever finding anything. Some local tales speak of king graves. And even though there is no archeological proof for that, these tales still bestir the fantasy and imagination of both locals and visitors. Yet another legend makes them out to be magical grounds where the winds would form mysterious maelstroms.

It is because of these legends, as well as the fact that they form an almost perfect geometrical line, that the mounds of Șona where long considered a sacred and spiritual place. Also, researcher believe that they may have been part of a more sophisticated time measurement or astrological system, comparing them to other megalithic structures around the world, such as Stonehenge.

People living in or visiting the area have also reported inexplicable phenomena around the mounds. Some claim to have felt magnetic and energetic anomalies, others have reported hearing strange noises or feeling a strange discomfort. All these reports have strengthened the idea of a spiritual or supernatural significance of the mounds. They also support the theory that the mounds could have been created by a long-lost civilization. This theory sounds very likely, given other mysterious archeological finds in Romania, such as Dacian and Neolithic settlements.   

Although there are many theories trying to explain their origin and purpose, none has been actually confirmed. Be it as it may, whether they are natural occurrences or the creation of some long-lost ancient civilization, the mounds of Șona remain a mystery, giving rise to many theries and speculations, attracting every year more and more attention and curios people, both tourists and scientists.






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