Places of interest31 July 2024

Komakiza: The Modern-Day Dacian Blacksmith

Discover the Ancient Craftsmanship and Timeless Dedication of Emanuel Bezeriță

Komakiza, Emanuel Bezeriță, Alba County

Komakiza, Emanuel Bezeriță, Alba County

At the foot of the majestic Craivii Stone in the Trascău Mountains, near the village of Craiva Veche in Alba County, Romania, lives a man who has dedicated his life to reviving the ancient art of Dacian blacksmithing. Emanuel Bezeriță, known as Komakiza, is not just a blacksmith; he is a guardian of history, breathing life into the tools and weapons of a bygone era.

Komakiza's journey began when he moved from Baia Mare to the remote and serene Craiva Veche. Here, he found the perfect setting to immerse himself in the traditional methods of blacksmithing used by the Dacians. Adopting the name Komakiza from a Dacian mercenary in Egypt, he embraced a lifestyle that mirrors the simplicity and austerity of ancient times. Without modern conveniences like electricity and running water, Komakiza's life is a testament to his dedication to authenticity.

In his workshop, Komakiza uses techniques and tools that date back to ancient times. His creations are not just replicas; they are functional pieces of history. From swords and spears to everyday tools, each item is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring historical accuracy. His work is a blend of art and history, making each piece a unique testament to the Dacian heritage.

Komakiza's dedication extends beyond his workshop. He actively participates in historical reenactments and festivals, where he showcases his craft and educates the public about Dacian history and blacksmithing techniques. His demonstrations are captivating, as he uses traditional tools like hammers, tongs, and anvils to shape red-hot iron into weapons and tools. These events are not just educational; they are a window into the past, allowing people to experience the craftsmanship and culture of the Dacians firsthand.

Living near the ruins of an old church in Craiva Veche, Komakiza's home and workshop are as much a part of his story as his craft. His choice to live without modern amenities reflects his commitment to preserving the authenticity of his work. This austere lifestyle, combined with his passion for Dacian history, makes him a unique and inspiring figure.

Komakiza's work is more than just a profession; it is a calling. His efforts to revive and preserve the ancient craft of Dacian blacksmithing have made him a notable figure in the region. Through his work, he ensures that the stories and spirit of the Dacians continue to resonate with future generations.

Emanuel Bezeriță, known as Komakiza, is a modern-day Dacian blacksmith whose life and work are a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient craftsmanship. His dedication to authenticity and his passion for history make him a guardian of the past and an inspiration for the future. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a lover of craftsmanship, or simply curious about the past, a visit to Komakiza's workshop at the foot of the Craivii Stone promises an unforgettable journey through time.






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