Logos or Plebanos Wine Cellars are a part of the Aiud vineyard, one of 4 important vineyards in Alba County (alongside Alba, Sebeş - Apold and Târnave) and it is located in the center of Aiud. Its cellars are sheltered by "Bethlen Gabor" College, where of the Plebanos wine is matured in oak barrels.
The wine tradition in this area dates back during the Dacians, the archaeological research has revealed a stone press for the grapes that can be seen at the Aiud History Museum. Plebanos wine has a rich history dating back to the 17th century.
The legend says that a protestant Hungarian landlord from Aiud married a Catholic girl. The Hungarian lanlord, unwilling to let his wife go to church among young Catholics, called on the Catholic priest to serve at home and then invited him to a glass of wine at the wine cellar. Before puting the wines in barrels there used to mix randomly different varieties of grapes in a jar placed on a table. The priest, thirsty, drank this wine, and he considered this mixture the best wine ever. The craftsmen have said the randomly combination of grape varieties that will be called "Plebanos" or "priest's wine."
Logos Cellars – Plebanos Wine Cellar were founded in 1991 and are known for Plebanos wine, a blend of Transylvanian wine, made up of Riesling, Muscat Ottonel and Fetească Regală. Plebanos wine received the title of the best wine of the small owners in Alba in 2016. Cultivated grape varieties are: Pinot Gris, Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc, Traminer, Riesling Italian, Riesling de Rhin.
A wine born by chance and a passionate winery owner, Andras Emil, has developed the wine tourism in the Aiud area and the accommodation opportunities at the "Doua Salcii" hostel offer a complete experience in wine tasting and traditional gourmet dishes.
Photo credit: https://www.crameromania.ro/crame/pinvitele-logos-230.html