Places of interest11 July 2024

Dealu Monastery - one of the oldest and most impressive monastic settlements, guarding the Dambovita lands from the top of a hill near Targoviste city

The largest royal necropolis in the country, sheltering the tomb where Prince Michel the Brave's head was interred. The first printing press in the country was established here, being at the time the fourth typographical center in Europe

Dealu Monastery, Targoviste

Dealu Monastery, Targoviste

The former Royal Residence and Capital of Wallachia, between 1396 and 1714, Targoviste was, for more than three centuries, the most important economic, political-military and cultural center in Wallachia. The monastic settlement of Dealu has roots dating back to 1431, according to a document describing a donation by Alexander I Aldea.

It is certain that in 1499, Radu the Great sets the foundations of a new monastery in this place, restoring the buildings and the church of the settlement. In 1508 the first book in Wallachia is printed here, under the guidance of the scholar monk Macarie. Thanks to the editorial actions of the time, the voivodal Targoviste became an important cultural center in Southeastern Europe.

St. Nicholas Church - the only architectural wing that was preserved from the old complex - it is one of the most important medieval monuments in the country. In 1603, by courtesy of the royal official Radu Buzescu, the head of Prince Michael the Brave - the first unifier of the three Romanian principalities (Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia) in 1600 - foully assassinated in August 1601, in the Campia Turzii camp, was interred in the necropolis.

The church architecture, although having Byzantine influences, may be categorized as original. The particular pronaos and disposition of the three towers on the roof make the church a singularity in the country - a remarkable work by its beauty, which marked the beginning of a new Romanian architectural style, the so called “old Wallachian style”. The picture that embellished the church in 1515, realized by painters from Targoviste, unfortunately was not preserved. In 1985, the church was repainted by the abbot Sofian Boghin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Dealu Monastery church was characterized by Nicolae Iorga as “a masterpiece of oriental art”. If you ever visit the city of Targoviste, do not hesitate to climb towards the Dealu Monastery to nourish your soul with new spiritual and cultural experiences in this great place loaded with history.  


Elena Radu




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