Along with bread, filled sweet pepper, cheese pancake and eggplant appetizer, the eggplant salad is perceived by foreigners as a Romanian typical dish. [1]
„Shocking tasty, the eggfruit salad is the almost daily starter of an almost nonexistent Romanian season: summer-autumn. Brought to Europe by Arabs, the eggfruit is one of the most important vegetable of the end of summer in our country and an omnipresent star of the autumn «preserving bottle action»: chopped eggfruits in the refrigerator, salty eggfruits in preserving bottles, eggfruit salad and eggfruit appetizer, eggfruits in tomato juice, in oil etc.”[2]
How do we prepare eggfruit salad?
Very simple... Or very complicated... According to how much you like spending time in the kitchen...
1 kg eggfruits (ripened, well coloured, hard, and long)
• 1 glass oil
• 1 red onion, hard
• 1 spoon vinegar
• 2 ripened tomatoes
• salt and pepper in the quantity one needs and if the health permits
• The eggfruits should be grilled on an open fire, on all sides, until they become soft• The burned peel must be immediately removed, than salt the eggfruits and leave them let out their juice on an inclined surface, at least 1 hour • Chop the onion in small pieces, rinse it quickly in cold water (so that it won’t be bitter). Let out the entire liquid • Mix the onion with the vinegar • Chop the eggfruits transforming them into a paste, then incorporate little by little the oil, until the paste becomes hart and foamy • Add the sauce of onion and vinegar (and more pepper, if necessary) • Adorn with slices of tomato.
Another variant of preparing eggfruit salad:
Mix the waterless and chopped eggfruits with a mayonnaise made of 2 egg yolks, 200 ml oil, 2 spoons lemon squash, 1 spoon-top finely milled pepper, 1 spoon cream and 3 cloves of garlic.[3]
Otilia Hededșan, in „” [online]la URL:, accessato in 26.07.2015.
Radu Anton Roman, Bucate, vinuri și obiceiuri românești, București, Editura Paideia, 1998.
[1]Otilia Hededșan, in „” [online]la URL:, accesed on 26.07.2015.
[2] RaduAnton Roman,Bucate, vinuri și obiceiuri românești, București, Editura Paideia, 1998, p. 32.