Port Cultural Cetate - The Citadel Cultural Harbor is a concept that belongs to the Romanian poet Mircea Dinescu who, in 1997, transformed the old agricultural port - dating from 1880 - into a cultural enclave where music, movies, art and gastronomy create a unique experience that invites to reverie.
Here the Danube River flows free to show its beauty and richness, here nature creates a unique place and soil suitable for the development of the vineyards. Mircea Dinescu transformed an abandoned building and a deserted mill into a hotel with 18 rooms, 3 apartments and other 9 “at the mansion” rooms, the old building of the harbor, fit to host conferences, workshops or exhibitions.
Since 2002 the "Angel Park" was born with the poet’s declared intention of "persuading people to look at the angels too", being convinced that "the country's brand is better with angels."
In this land that invites to reverie and relaxation was born the Galicea Mare Wine Cellar at Cultural Port Cetate with an area of 100 ha: 50 ha in the Citadel / Cetate and 50 ha in the Galicea Mare. Cultivated varieties are: Tămăioasa Românească, Fetească Albă, Fetească Neagră, Chardonnay, Riesling Italian, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. It has an overall production of 5.000 – 6.000 kg / ha.
The most known brands are: Poezie pe sticlă (Poetry on the glass), Pantera Neagră (Black Panther), Pantera Rose (Rose Panther), Fifi. Dinescu’s wine has the flavor of the lands and its taste is “spiced” with poetry, each sip telling a different story.
Source: www.vinulluidinescu.ro