Places of interest30 May 2024

Maramures - a perfect marriage between the traditional world and the concept of Wellness SPA

Visit Maramures, a place where the beauty of rural life combines with the comfort of the sumptuous hotels

Maramures - a world between traditional and SPA

Maramures - a world between traditional and SPA

Nowhere is the fray between the traditional and the modern more evident than in Maramureş, a place where ancient Dacian crafts have been best preserved and where the thirst for modern facilities is more pregnant than anywhere else in the country.

One of the hallmarks of Maramureş are the wooden churches and other beautiful woodcarvings that cannot be found anywhere else. The churches in Maramureş are unique, defined by their high spires and shingles on the roof. Some of these churches have even been recognized by UNESCO as sites of world heritage. The most beautiful can be found in the villages of Surdeşti, Plopiş, Rogoz, Ieud, Poienile Izei and many others.

They are made primarily of oak, a material which has contributed greatly to their endurance. They have high roofs and pointed steeples, while the walls on the inside are adorned with scenes from the bible set against the familiar world of the village.

Beside the churches, the craftsmanship so characteristic of Maramureş can also be observed in the gates of the houses. They are regularly propped up by three columns and they are decorated with classic motifs like the sun and the twisted rope, both symbols of continuity. The most beautiful gates can be found in the villages Vadu Izei, Giuleşti, Sârbi and Onceşti.

Counterintuitively, in this world dominated by traditions, the fashion of the SPA is starting to emerge. More and more people go to SPAs and as a consequence, more and more hotels are beginning to create their own SPAs. Some of the best are Hotel Romaniţa, Maramureş Resort and Hotel Secret Garden. One of the most luxurious is

Hotel Secret Garden, a 4 star complex opened in 2007. It is located in the Maramureş countryside and the surroundings are spectacular. It is only 15 km from the city of Baia Mare, but it is the perfect getaway for those who want to spend a few days in nature. The hotel has many means of entertainment, like indoor and outdoor pools, both heated, sauna, fitness room, football, tennis and basketball courts, wine cellar, etc.  

Sources: ;   

Andra Mihaela Cimpean




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