Places of interest05 January 2017

The National Theatre Bucharest, an important cultural centre, a symbol of Romania, with a history of over 160 years, is towering at „Kilometer 0” of the city

The Grand Theatre - one of the most beautiful theatres in Europe of the XIX-th century, a cultural jewel of the „Little Paris”

The National Theatre Bucharest

The National Theatre Bucharest

In 1843, at the behest of Prince George Bibescu, was appointed a commission to build a theatre in Bucharest. The works started in 1848 following the plan of the Viennese architect, A. Hefft, but were interrupted because of the Revolution of 1848. In 1852, under the reign of Barbu Ştirbei, the construction is completed and on the Mogoşoaia Path (Calea Victoriei today), where nowadays rises majestically „The Grand Theatre”.

The building in a Baroque style, elegant, beautifully decorated, with gilded stucco, purple upholstery and a curtain with gold fringe, with three rows of lodges, becomes the third largest theatre in Europe. The German newspaper „Bukarester Deutsche Zeitung” wrote on the inauguration: „The monument is built in a truly noble style and really artistic; the proportions are suitable and its distinguished simplicity is impressive. The new theatre in Bucharest is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful theatres in Europe and a jewel of the Capital.”


After the War of Independence (1877), „The Grand Theatre” becomes „The National Theatre”. Unfortunately, at the end of the Second World War, the building was severely damaged during the bombing. Although it could be reconstructed, the building was demolished after the installation of Communist power.  

The shape of "hat" of the new National Theatre was not approved by Ceausescu

In 1964, began the construction of a new theatre in the University area based on a project of the architects Horia Maicu, Romeo Belea and Nicolae Cucu. In 1973, the works were completed. An impressive building with a novel aspect, that expresses the modernity of the '60s, is distinguished by its unconventional form, as a "hat". This "bizzare" shape was not accepted by Ceausescu, who ordered its remodelling. In 1983, the theatre changes its shape, by filling the façade with tons of addition.  


The National Theatre „I.L. Caragiale” puts  the „hat” again and becomes „a new theatre to a new audience”

After removing 1,200 tons of the façade’s addition, which covered the „Horia Maicu's hat”, it returns to its original shape, rediscovering its „hat”. The remodelling and restoration project, coordinated by Romeo Belea, began in 2012 and ended in 2014. There have been multiplied the spaces dedicated for the performances, have been created new spaces, it has been enriched the cultural spectrum covered by the institution that assumes a „multipurpose cultural vocation”. Beyond the 7 theatre rooms, TNB has been endowed with exhibition spaces and other alternative spaces, the TNB Museum, a reading room,  bookstores and cafes.  

Sources: ;     

Elena Radu




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