Traditions20 July 2015

Saint Elias brings lightning and thunders on July 20

Imagine a nervous saint ... On July 20, the Romanians celebrate St. Elias. On this day, everyone expects that it will rain with thunder, lightning and storms, because St. Elias brings justice.

Saint Elias

Saint Elias

It is said that when God made the world, the devil came and said, "You have a whole people, but I'm alone!" Then God brought water for the devil and told him how to create other devils. But the devil made so many other demons, which had no more space. Then the devil told God that he wanted to start the war.

Because at that time there were no saints, God was forced to call the people to fight against the devil. But in order to go to war, the men had to jump into the sea, and no one wanted to do it. Seen the situation, God decided that the ugliest has to throw himself first into the water, but nobody wanted to dive, claiming to be all beautiful.

At one point arrived a carriage with four horses and a gentleman. It was St. Elias. He asked what the problem was why were all that people gathered there? When God explained what happens, St. Elias said, "I throw myself with my carriage" and ordered his coachman to cover the eyes of the horses. The coachman did what his master asked and told him to be willing to jump into the sea, too.

They did what they had promised to God and He built for them a road to heaven to not get drowned. God gave to St. Elias the sword and the cannon, and when the war against devils started the saint killed them all.

The bodies of some demons remained in the sky and it said it's wrong to look up when the stars are falling, because they are nothing but the bodies of the dead devils. Since then, when there are lightning, it is believed that St. Elias beats with the sword and the coachman burns with his cannon.

On this day, it is believed that St. Elias causes thunder, torrential rain and fires, and he is the one who decides where to fall the hail. On this day, they use to pick healing herbs, especially basil that was left to dry in the attics of houses. Apples were brought to the church on this day because it was believed that if they are blessed, would become golden apple on the other world.

Romanian men are called Elias and they celebrate their name-day on this day. However, in all Romanian are organized exhibitions and nedei, namely festivals of the village.

For Moldavia is famous the feast from Fălticeni, organized for the first time in 1814.  


Elena Niculiţă-Voronca, traditions and beliefs of the Romanian people, gathered and arranged on mythological, vol. I, Iaşi, Polirom, 1998 online edition;






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