Events10 December 2015

The magic of the Christmas Fair in Cluj-Napoca

Enjoy a merry Christmas in Cluj-Napoca this year

Christmas Fair in Cluj-Napoca 2015

Christmas Fair in Cluj-Napoca 2015

Christmas is a magical time in so many ways and for so many reasons that it is hard to choose only one. The Christmas lights that are hung on fir trees across the city make us feel like children again, the Christmas trees that we each decorate at home remind us of the hope with which we awaited Santa Claus’ presents. But it wasn’t only about the presents – it was about the possibility... the possibility for anything.

Luckily, we get to experience the joy of holidays every year, although perhaps differently than we did when we were children. As grownups we rejoice with the children who see Santa in person for the first time, but more than that, we enjoy spending time with our families and friends. Because the biggest miracle of the winter holidays is that they bring people together.

And people come together every evening at the Christmas Fair in Cluj-Napoca. Union Square, where the celebrations take place, is full of small wooden houses where they sell boiled wine, meat produce, ornaments, sweets, clothes and chestnuts. People are lured from the street by the smell of cinnamon, almonds and cake; they get a glass of boiled wine and listen to a carol concert.

Those who enjoy skating or want to try it out for the first time can do so right in front of Matei Corvin’s statue, also in Union Square. This always warms cold feet and makes them even dance and it is a fun way to bear through the chilly winter evenings.

The younger audience can to go to Santa Claus’s house, which is equipped with a music workshop and a puppet theatre. Here, they can learn how the toys from under the Christmas tree are made. They can also learn about photography and about cooking, with the chefs from Memo 10, La Casa and Carmangeria Moldovan.

The grownups can enjoy up to 40 artists that will be performing on the 26 days of this year’s Christmas Fair. The genres will range from folk to pop music, to rock, to carols, to opera. Some of the artists that we will see on stage are Zdob și Zdub, Cargo, Andra, David & The Six Martini, Royal Avenue, Grupul Iza, Costi Cămărășan Band, Grigore Leșe, Cristian Pomohaci, Magda Puskas and Rareș Suciu, Aminda & Hazard, Iris, Incognito and soloists from the Romanian Opera. And on the evenings of the 9th, 14th and 15th of December, we will hear church choirs from all over the city perform carols.

So bring your friends and join us in Cluj for a few evenings of holiday cheer.


“Târgul de Crăciun”, Târgul de Crăciun, Available at:, Accessed: 12.08.2015.

Andra Mihaela Cimpean




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