Places of interest20 January 2018

The Legend of Bazias

The Danube separates the two countries, Serbia and Romania ... It opens a fishing village ... You see traditional houses, but also more modern...

The Danube

The Danube

I. Unknown year... The Archbishop Saint Sava Nemanjić note that the storm does not stop ... He realizes that he must see stop he ... This wind is always dangerous ... But, could he say some words to the wind? For example, could he tell him: Baş-Zias !, i.e.: Just shout! The Archbishop joins the words and creates the name of this place: Baziaş...  

II. 1852, a foreign traveler ,,We stop again at Baziaş. The Serbian banks are very impressive; friendly villages rely on the heights that here, as in Hungary, are covered by fruit trees and forests. The military customs of the left bank of the Danube can be recognized by the sharp straw huts, placed at a distance of a quarter half an hour of each other, with a picket and an observation tower beside it. The border guards are obliged to stand vigil eight days every three weeks. In this time, for two hours of work they have four hours to rest. As payment they get nothing more than the beloved the beloved sheep cheese named Bryndza, with bread and 40 cents a week. ''

III. 2015, a tourist gets a self photo in the boat and describes the town of Bazias on Facebook: The Danube separates the two countries, Serbia and Romania ... It opens a fishing village ... You see traditional houses, but also more modern ... Some are still under construction ... You see the Bazias monastery - one of the most important symbols for Serbs living in proximity ... The legend tells of an archbishop, Sf. Sava Nemanjić who gave the name to the village; and an icon in which the Virgin Mary would have three hands ... Not very far away are the Dacian fortress of Divici ... Yesterday I made a trip in the parts where the Danube wets the District of Caras-Severin.

This part, between Bazias and Cozla, is fascinating and in 2-3 hours I reached the mountains of Banat, Locvei and Almaj. From the peaks of Piatra Alba, Culmea Naidăşului, Talva Cerbului and Ravensca I watched as the waters of the Danube crosses the Carpathians. A show of nature! I returned to Bazias ... The Danube is quiet, as it was a day ago ... Maybe too quiet considering that it will meet a new country... It will have to make a long way to the Black Sea ...  

Bibliography: Călători străini despre țările române în secolul al XIX-lea, Serie nouă, vol.VI, București, Editura Academiei Române. /read/000827433193c128ffcab 





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